Apr 10Liked by Shane Simonsen

Interesting to see some similarities between Canada and Australia - over 2 acres of arable land per person, access to oil (though much of it is fracked), largely empty interior and a very hostile climate in the north. I wonder if our vicinity to the USA will be a help or a hindrance.

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Apr 10Liked by Shane Simonsen

I'm writing a fiction book at the moment which attempts to sketch a possible future for Australia and industrial society in general, set eighty years ahead. I've spent ten or more years working on it and broadly, I'm in accordance with what you've laid out here. Nice to communicate with a like minded soul! There's no-one else to talk to about it in my immediate circle, even though they are generally from the educated elite.

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It's hard to say. We have a far-right candidate running for PM who has a good chance of getting in.. I'm waiting to see how the next federal election unfolds before I get too concerned. I live in the most progressive part of Canada so there is some insulation. We tend to be left leaning at the major ports and then further right the more you travel to the interior.

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